I'm an Occupational Therapist and have specialised in the mental health field. Currently I work in vocational rehabilitation, supporting people with mental health issues in their return to work.
I'm also a mum to three girls. I love being a mother and adore spending time with my girls (although they make we want to pull my hair out and change my name from 'Mmuuummmaaayy' at times!)
My oldest daughter Alexandra has been diagnosed with Coeliac disease, so
follows a gluten-free diet. My younger daughter Katya does not have the disease but usually eats gluten-free for ease and to avoid arguments. Zofia, the baby, does not eat food and can't comment at present.
Initially adapting to parenting a child with Coeliac's seemed daunting. I found it useful talking to other parents and sharing experiences. I also found Coeliac UK very helpful and was pleased to join the member2member programme when it started. This scheme matches up parents of newly diagnosed children with those who have a bit more experience (http://www.coeliac.org.uk/gluten-free-diet-lifestyle/family-and-friends/support-for-parents/member2member-programme) , and I would recommend getting in contact with them if you are a parent looking for support.
Initially adapting to parenting a child with Coeliac's seemed daunting. I found it useful talking to other parents and sharing experiences. I also found Coeliac UK very helpful and was pleased to join the member2member programme when it started. This scheme matches up parents of newly diagnosed children with those who have a bit more experience (http://www.coeliac.org.uk/gluten-free-diet-lifestyle/family-and-friends/support-for-parents/member2member-programme) , and I would recommend getting in contact with them if you are a parent looking for support.
In my (limited) spare time I enjoy writing (obviously), I'm part of a panto society (oh yes I am!), like crochet, sewing, baking and other crafty things (hmm,I should have been born decades ago). I have limited IT knowledge, so if anyone wants to give me tips on how to improve my blog, then please do.
I assume that if you're reading this that you have an interest in gluten-free living. I hope you find the blog of some use. I welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions,so please don't hesitate to share your views or get in touch. Similarly, if you would like to become a guest blogger, then get in touch- I love to hear how other people are getting on with their gluten- dodging!
If you want to contact me directly, please email me at jeninnotts@gmail.com
If you want to contact me directly, please email me at jeninnotts@gmail.com
All the best with your gluten-free journey!
Hi Jen, my daughter (who's 2 next week) was diagnosed as coeliac just before Christmas. As you'll understand it was an incredibly steep learning curve and a pretty overwhelming experience. I just wanted to say that in the midst of that I read every single one of your blogs. I really appreciated the reassurance, advice, eye openers to the road ahead and the sharing of your experience. Thank you for writing them and I hope you'll write some new posts again soon. Am feeling a bit less crazed 6 weeks in but just wanted to let you know that you really helped in a crisis! Many thanks, Sarah